The Expat Woman

Akriti Fashions: Bridging the Gap Between Two Cultures

With the use of the internet and social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram, the world is becoming smaller as we know it. Establishing relationships with businesses in different countries or even having friends in different countries is becoming the norm. This is exactly the case with Akriti Fashions. Garima Badjatia, the owner of Akriti Fashions creates stylish Indian-inspired garments by partnering with manufacturers in India. Georgette, Silk, Chiffon, Cotton, Voile, Brocade, and Velvet are just a few of the luxurious fabrics she uses to create her designs. To learn more about Garima and Akriti Fashions continue on to our interview with her . . .


Garima Badjatia, Founder of Akriti Fashions


TEW:  Please provide a brief introduction/description about your company.

Garima: Akriti Fashions is a woman-owned, Indian-inspired, apparel and accessories brand for women.

TEW:  What inspired you to start Akriti Fashions and how did you go about starting this business?

Garima: I love Indian Fabrics and craftsmanship. When I moved to the bay area, I missed the colors, gorgeous fabrics, intricate craftsmanship, and stylish cuts from India. Being a designer myself, I decided to start Akriti Fashions, combining the two cultures. Akriti Fashions features garments, which are manufactured using fabrics from India but best suited to be worn in American culture.

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Olga V. Mack wearing the Black tunic with Tie and Dye pink border

To start my company I traveled to India and worked with the manufacturer’s there to produce the garments. I started with word of mouth promotions, simultaneously doing trunk shows and pop ups. This all started building my business. Every garment that is produced and every event I attend is a learning experience. It has enabled me to improve the designs on a daily basis.

TEW:  What is the significance behind your company’s name?

Garima: The significance behind the name Akriti is a beautiful form. I chose Fashions because it relates to the fashionable garments I sell.

TEW:  What cultural inspiration can be found in your designs? Are there specific patterns or garments that are tied to Indian culture?

Garima: India is the cultural inspiration behind my garments. The garments are manufactured in India using the best of fabrics and put together by skilled artisans.


Olga V. Mack wearing the Peach dress with pearl and gold thread on the yoke

TEW:  Imagine your merchandise tells a story about the culture your clothing is inspired by, what would you want shoppers to walk away with? What story do your clothes tell?

Garima: I want the buyer to walk away with good memories of India’s crafts and Fabrics.

TEW:  What type of women embody what your company stands for?

Garima: A woman who is strong, confident, and is willing to embrace other cultures, while at the same time maintaining her own identity as an individual, is someone who would represent our brand well.

TEW:  What influence do you hope your company has on the fashion industry as a cultural ambassador?

Garima: With Akriti Fashions my hope is that customers experience the impression of India’s mystery, glamour, beautiful fabrics, and vibrant colors.  I also want to use my business to bridge the gap between two cultures.



Writing by Garima Badjatia & Martina Trejo

Photos courtesy of Akriti Fashions

Model: Olga V. Mack

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Nyna is the Founder and CEO of The Expat Woman, a global platform focused on connecting, supporting and empowering women who have moved abroad or plan to relocate. She is also a LinkedIn coach, consultant, trainer and speaker. LinkedIn played a huge role in my professional journey abroad, helping me build a network of powerful expat women and allies.

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