The Expat Woman

International Holiday Mixer: Don’t Rain on My Parade!

On the infamous night that has now been dubbed as #BayAreaStorm or #HellaStorm, we gathered with our amazing Expat Woman supporters at Nextspace to mingle, shop, and get ready for the busy holiday season. Some may have been detoured by power outages, traffic, and crowded BART stations but as they say in show biz “the show must go on.”

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Center- Co-Founders of Trendy Mondays Monica Espina and Maria del Puy

And so it did. We kicked off the night with guests mingling and nibbling on cheese, crackers and sipping wine provided by our food and beverage sponsors Vicron and Krave. Our featured Expat Woman vendors Petra Ostermuenchner from Petra O, Nancy Newsom from Botanic Organic, Anastasia Miron from GlobeIn, Diana Renee from Diana Renee, Angela Gonzalez from Angelacasa, Shalini Bitzner from Shalini Design Inc., and Christine Bishop from CityGoose created a fabulous shopping atmosphere. From beautiful scarves to skincare products to bracelets and dresses, I think it’s safe to say we had a little something for everyone.







To keep the great energy going our emcee, Petra Ostermuenchner, introduced Style Lend who put on a mini fashion show to showcase some of their breathtaking holiday dresses. It was such a great moment in the event because guests were drawn in by the glitz and glam of a dress lending company that is taking the fashion industry by storm.


Center- Brittany Allyn of Style Lend with models

Next, our start-up founders Nancy Newsom Founder of Botanic Organic, Maria del Puy Co-Founder of Trendy Mondays, Maia Bittner Co-Founder of Rocksbox, and Anastasia Miron Co-Founder of GlobeIn dropped some knowledge on guests with how to get the healthy holiday glow, how to style and accessorize for the holiday season, and the perfect holiday gifts from international artisans.

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So just what worked about this event? Find out directly from our guests and featured entrepreneur speakers.

“I definitely enjoyed interacting with our special guests – the expat entrepreneurs. It was so inspiring and useful to first hear their individual stories and later interact with them” – Aleksandra Georgieva

“It was so great meeting like minded women from all over the world” – Ellie Adelman

“I loved how friendly everyone was.  A lot of networking events I’ve attended usually have people that are insincere. I felt like everyone here genuinely wanted to meet new people and make friends” – Melody Dayoan


“I really loved the event! I feel like it is a community where women are really interested in supporting each other, which feels so amazing to be a part of” – Maia Bittner, Co-Founder of Rocksbox

“I think the event was unique because it was both for the purpose of entertaining and making professional connections. It was a great way for the vendors to get exposure. It was also very intimate and I think everyone can say they got something out of the event” – Liz Purdy

Well there you have it. Until next time ladies!

The Expat Woman team with food & beverage sponsor, Vicron


Written By Martina Trejo

Photography courtesy of Botanic Organic



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Nyna is the Founder and CEO of The Expat Woman, a global platform focused on connecting, supporting and empowering women who have moved abroad or plan to relocate. She is also a LinkedIn coach, consultant, trainer and speaker. LinkedIn played a huge role in my professional journey abroad, helping me build a network of powerful expat women and allies.

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Online from Nov. 7th to Nov.9th