Originally from Israel and currently an expat in USA
Naama Barnea-Goraly M.D. received her medical degree from the Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem, Israel, and her clinical training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry as well as a post-doctoral neuroimaging research fellowship at Stanford University. She then went on to work as an Instructor and brain researcher at Stanford. Her research, on brain structure in disorders affecting social cognition was published extensively in leading psychiatric and neuroscience journals, and presented in international conferences. In the course of her work she became interested in gender differences in social cognition, and the importance of supportive authentic communities, especially for girls and women. This led her out of the lab and into the real world to found “Girltelligence”, a girl empowerment app for teen girls and young women to find a supportive community, advise and support each other, and access resources for them to reach their full potential.
Title: How to find your “girl tribe” as an expat
Women need a community of women to thrive. We all want and crave a “girl tribe” but building one takes time and requires knowledge of cultural contexts and nuances. Finding good friends as an adult is difficult no matter where you are, but it becomes more difficult when you move to a new country and don’t know anyone. I moved to the U.S. when I was 29 to start a post-doctoral fellowship at Stanford, in this talk I will share how I found my new “girl tribe” and tips on how the audience can find one too.