The Expat Woman

November 1, 2016

Resources obsolete


Upwardly Global – Helps work-authorized, skilled immigrants rebuild their professional careers in the U.S.

The Job Forum – Free job search and career coaching service for professionals seeking employment in the San Francisco Bay Area.



Small Business Association – helps entrepreneurs start, build and grow businesses.

Score – Provides entrepreneurs, start-ups, and small businesses mentor-ship and counseling.


Professional Development

International Toastmasters – Empowers individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders.



USCIS – United States Citizenship and Immigration Services


Expat Groups

Partners @Berkeley – Network for accompanying spouses and partners of international graduate students and researchers at Berkeley.

Russian Speaking Women in Technology – A networking platform for Russian-Speaking Women  working in tech in the Silicon Valley



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Online from Nov. 7th to Nov.9th