The Expat Woman

How to Step Out of your Linguistic and Cultural Comfort Zone to Thrive in the Workplace

Hedi Kovacs-Resnik

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I was raised in Hungary, in the ex-Soviet bloc, where my parents’ foresight led me to learn English, a rare choice in a system where Russian was the dominant foreign language.
By 18, not only had I mastered English, but French as well.

My entry into the workforce coincided with the post-curtain surge of multinationals needing English speakers, which swiftly propelled me to National Sales Manager for an American firm at 28.

Relocating to Slovenia for family, I didn’t miss a beat, leading as General Manager and then as an HR Business Partner for the European branch, headquartered in Germany, of the same company.

Today, I teach Leadership Behaviours to graduate students of Economics and support women leaders as an Executive Coach.

I live my daily life in three languages: I speak Hungarian with my family, English at work, and Slovene in my local community.

I’m looking forward to sharing my journey with you, hoping it will inspire and resonate with your own experiences.

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